Nocturnes Op.48 SHEET MUSIC BY Chopin

Nocturnes Op.48


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Free PDF download of Nocturnes Op.48 PIANO SHEET MUSIC BY Chopin

This is free piano sheet music for Nocturnes Op.48, Chopin provided by

The Nocturnes, Op. 48 are a set of two nocturnes written by Frédéric Chopin in 1841 and published the following year in 1842. They are the only two nocturnes in opus 48 and are dedicated to Mlle. Laure Duperré. Chopin later sold the copyright for the nocturnes for 2,000 francs along with several other pieces. Gustav Barth commented that Chopin's nocturnes are definite signs of "progress" in comparison to John Field's original nocturnes, though the improvements are "for the most part only in technique. " However, David Dubal feels that the pieces are "more aptly described as ballades in miniature."

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