Joy to the World SHEET MUSIC BY Christmas

Joy to the World


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Free PDF download of Joy to the World PIANO SHEET MUSIC BY Christmas

This is free piano sheet music for Joy to the World, Christmas provided by

"Joy to the World! The Lord Will Come" is an adaptation of the popular Christmas carol, Joy to the World. It was included in A Collection of Sacred Hymns (Kirtland, Ohio), the first Latter Day Saint hymnal prepared for publication in 1835 and published in February of 1836 as well as all English hymnals published by the LDS Church since 1948.The textual changes typify the millennial expectation and theology of the early Latter Day Saint church. The version of the song published in the current (1985) hymnal of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints uses the Phelps text—except for the first two lines, which reflect Watts' original words.

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